Go For A Ride Day (November 22nd)

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Go For A Ride Day encourages you to get out into the world – hop on your bike, into your car, or simply get your walking boots out of storage and go on a trip. Don’t worry too much about where you’re going, just enjoy the journey. What with all of the cell phones and emails constantly intruding on our lives, we can all agree that everyone needs some time to just get away from it all and feel free every now and then. And what better way to do that then to just go for a ride!

History of Go for a Ride Day

November 22nd has seen various developments of the transportation industry since as early as 1904, making Go For a Ride Day a celebration of not only cars, but any mode of transportation that strikes your fancy. In 1904, a man named Mathias Pfatischer living in Philadephia, was the first American to patent the pioneer direct electricity and and interpole motor.

In 1927, another American inventor named Carl J. Eliason from Saynor, Wisconsin, acquired the patent for the snowmobile, which definitely drastically changed the lives of many of the inhabitants of Wisconsin for the better. In 1977, the the regular mass service had their trial run on the famed supersonic Concorde. As you can see, November 22nd has been an important day for various areas of the transportation industry.

How to celebrate Go for a Ride Day

The greatest thing about Go for a Ride Day is that there is no one, right way to celebrate it. At the end of the day, what’s being celebrated is the freedom that the development of transportation has afforded us, and this is what we should take care to enjoy on this day. What is your favorite mode of transportation? Depending on where you live in the world, you could spend this day Traveling somewhere into the unknown by boat, plane, helicopter, car, motorcycle, rollerskates, skateboard, or even more old-fashioned modes of transport, like by horse, sleigh, or horse-drawn carriage.

How you Travel doesn’t matter, as long as you celebrate the free spirit of the day. In fact, you may just want to put on your most comfortable shoes and go for a walk in the mountains or the countryside. Pack a lunch, take the family if you wish, and spend the day walking, talking and enjoying nature instead of answering endless phone calls and messages.

If you decide to go by car, fill up your tank and go someplace you haven’t gone before. Perhaps there is a lake some distance away from your town or city where you used to spend vacations as a child, that you haven’t been to in years? Go there, and spend part of the day enjoying nature and your childhood memories, maybe do a little fishing.

If you have a boat, use it to spend some time out on the peaceful water, just floating around and daydreaming. And if you live in a place where air tickets are relatively cheap, like Europe, for instance, take a one-day trip to the capital of another country! Walk the cobblestone streets, try the local specialties and enjoy being in an entirely new place. However you decide to celebrate Go for a Ride Day, make sure it is a celebration of freedom and the open road!


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