School Day of Non-violence and Peace (January 30th)

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Most people dream of the world being a much safer place to live. Many wish and hope that future generations will inherit a Healthy planet that is filled with peace and harmony. And, although this change is unlikely to happen in an instant, people can still start now to instill this value in the future citizens of the world.

School Day of Non-violence and Peace offers opportunities for children to be taught about pacifism and non-violence.

History of School Day of Non-violence and Peace

Founded in Spain in 1964, this day is also referred to as Dia Escolar de la No-violència i la Pau, which is the way of saying the name in the Catalan language, which is the region of Spain where the day began. The name is often shortened to DENIP.

The celebration of the School Day of Non-violence and Peace takes place in schools all over the world on the anniversary of the death of Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi was an important figure in non-violent resistance who led a successful campaign for India’s independence from British Rule in the mid 20th century. He was assassinated on January 30, 1948 at the age of 78.

Each year, the School Day of Non-violence and Peace brings forth one general message: “Universal love is better than egoism. Non-violence is better than violence. And peace is better than war.”

How to Celebrate School Day of Non-violence and Peace

Consider some of these options for observing and honoring the School Day of Non-Violence and Peace:

Educate Children About Pacifism

Whether parents, grandparents or teachers, anyone with children in their lives can use the School Day of Non-violence and Peace as an opportunity to have conversations with school children about the impact of violence on the world.

For older children, perhaps do a study on Mahatma Gandhi and the difference in the way his peaceful protests and non-violence were beneficial, in contrast to the two world wars that were fought in his lifetime. Younger children might participate by learning more about peace in the local community, including ways they can have peace with their schoolmates and practice anti-bullying.

Make a Donation to a Peace Organization

Those who feel strongly about local peace as a road to world peace may choose to volunteer or make a donation to an organization or charity that works toward peace. Many anti-war organizations can be found with a quick online search, including Beyond War, Nonviolent Peaceforce, or the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation.

Read a Book By a Peacemaker

In honor of the day, head over to the library or local bookstore and get a bit more educated on the way that non-violence, peaceful protest and pacifism can be used in the world today. Gandhi himself wrote several books, including India of My Dreams and Non-Violent Resistance, as well as his own autobiography. Many other books with anti-war themes can also be recommended by a local librarian for reading on School Day of Non-violence and Peace.


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